Archosaur Games has announced an exciting new update for Dragon Raja, letting players welcome the popular MMORPG's 14th class to the fray. With the cross-platform title still going strong 3 years into its initial launch, players can look forward to a new PvP mode called Phantom Tracking among other in-game events that will coincide with the game's latest major update.
In the latest update to Dragon Raja, players can expect to wield the Japanese folding fan and kunai using the new Yasai class. Apart from this ninja warrior, there's also the new Phantom Tracking PvP mode to discover, where players can play either as a pursuer or a pretender. The former is tasked with finding as many pretenders as they can within a set timeframe, while the latter - as the name suggests - will try to wield the art of deception to disguise themselves into different objects in an attempt to fool the pursuers. ... [MORE]